Okay, if you are just checking out my blog today, then scroll down to my first post for today, which is my weight loss post - then read this one, which is just for FUN! YAY!
I was tagged by my good friend, Michelle! Love you girl!
A: The rules of the game are posted at the beginning.
B: Each player answers the questions about themselves.
C: At the end of the post, the player then tags 3 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.
10 Years Ago:I was...
22 years old, I was a newlywed! I had not even been married a month yet! My husband and I lived in Nashville. He worked as a produce manager at Albertson's, and I worked as a tour guide at the Country Music Hall of Fame & Museum. We went to Harpeth Heights Baptist Church and I sang in a group called "The Church Band" (creative, huh?). We lived in a one bedroom apartment, I drove a Saturn and my hubbby drove a Mustang. We lived one mile from the mall and shopped entirely too much. We didn't have any pets, as there were no pets allowed in the apartment, although there was a flock of ducks that lived there for everyone to feed!
Things on my to-do list today:
1. Church
2. Lunch
3. Clean house, organizing stuff and finishing cleaning the kitchen
4. Supper
5. Type reports for clinic
What I would do if I were suddenly made a billionaire:
I would buy a new building for my church and a new facility for the FreeWill Shelter- or quite possibly the entire city of Humboldt (HA!), buy a new house, buy my husband a Corvette, buy myself a new vehicle of some sort, a swimming pool with a big slide for the kids, along with the house would have a great big shop/garage for my husband, a huge lavish pen for our dog. I would publish my own book and make a CD. I would buy horses, my kids would each have one, and a donkey or two. I would pay off my stepdaughter's house and their cars, or get them new ones, and buy my stepson a house and car too. I would set up an account to completely pay for Jordan and Noelle's college, and also college for the grandson that is on his way in a few months! I would pay for the house my parents want to build on their farm and would buy them new cars too. I would buy a house on the beach in Corpus Christi for vacations.
Three of my bad habits:
1. biting my fingernails - my kids fuss at me for this...
2. not being organized in much of anything, but getting there slowly!
3. procrastinating :0(
Three places I have lived:
1. Springfield, MO
2. Milan, TN
3. Nashville, TN
Five jobs that I have had:
1. Waitress/hostess at Shoney's
2. Medical Transcriptionist
3. Tour Guide
4. Receptionist
5. Homeschool Mom (you're right Michelle, this is the best ever!)
Five Things people don't know about me:
1. I have no appendix.
2. I love mac and cheese and pork and beans....mixed together...
3. I can drive a stick shift
4. I have ridden an elephant
5. I used to sing during the tours I gave, at restaurants, at bars, and just really anywhere I could, in Nashville
I would like to tag:
Jeni-my dear friend since childhood
Tracey-my dear friend of 11 years
Tobey-my dear friend from church
This was SO FUN!
Blessings in the Hard
1 day ago