Mold me each day, Lord, into what You would have me to be.

Mold me each day, Lord, into what You would have me to be.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

…am I awake? Zzzzzz…Day 7

I will not be saying much today, this is the first time today I’ve had time to sit down and write - and it’s nearly 5:00 pm! I did not even get to step on the scale today, so a day off from that for me I guess. I have had a migraine for most of the day, and I took Aleve first, then some sinus medicine a few hours later. I don’t know if you have this experience or not, but when I take medicine on an empty stomach, then I go and eat, it’s almost like the food activates the medicine and boosts its efficacy. Has anyone experienced that? Anyway, I took some sinus medicine, then ate my first meal of the day around 2:00 pm - I had to force myself to eat because by head was really making me feel sick - and boy, by the time I got done eating I was feeling really yucky - out of it kind of yucky - like my head was too heavy for my body. My headache is gone, but now I’m kind of numb, walking around in a hazy fog, and I’m having a hard time even making my fingers type the words I’m thinking! So, I guess that’s all for today, sorry it’s not more exciting, but I’m sure I will feel better tomorrow!

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